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We are LIVE!!!! Details below !!! See you inside.

A personal note from Charlene

(The podcast host, author of the book and founder of all things known as The 5Cs.)

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Hi Friend!

We are live now!!!!!! How cool is that.  Go here, please, and see  how to get into the community.

Do you get frustrated with what is or is NOT happening worldwide? Do you ever feel like doing something and yet get downright overwhelmed by what you can’t do? Question yourself with thoughts of, Am I doing enough? And seriously, how do I even KNOW that?

Me too. It’s why I wrote the book 'Clarity and Collaboration for the Community of Changemakers.  How to Survive and Thrive the next few decades.'  I couldn’t understand what was happening in the world, why so much had never been taught and why so much of what had been taught created consequences that, in a word, were BAD.

I have not written any new ideas for you to gloss over, obsess about, or casually criticize. We don’t need or want that. Instead, you get what I am calling “Integrated Intelligence.” Consider it a fusion of the best of man's wisdom, the truth of the indigenous tribes and the perfection of the Universe.

Because, despite the dire headlines, political polarities and climate anxiety that live with and beside humanity, I believe there is still a way forward. I call the way ahead for the highest good of all and invite you to join me.

Governments and lobby groups have failed us while, for the most part, the media insists on ignoring the good works being undertaken worldwide. Business leaders and employees of those businesses are the most significant lever for change. How?

First, in the entire world, it is the most significant population group and, therefore, the most influential. Second, progress can be made by coming together, taking a chance and focusing on interconnectedness, choosing joy over the job, engagement over exhaustion and excitement over ego! Thirdly, good businesses and business people understand and have solid experience with compromise.  

In all traditional definitions of the word, I see them moving from ‘Growth at all costs’ to ‘Low steady growth.’ I see them imagining, reimagining, and relearning how to live in peace with Mother Nature, other countries, companies, and themselves.

My book and, by extension, this community give you insights into the clarity, collaboration, and possibilities about and within a new community of climate changemakers. Ultimately, it highlights the beginnings of the lush oasis you, me and our fellow climate changemakers can create.

I sincerely hope you will walk with me and eventually join me and my community.

Like you, I’d like nothing more than to leave a legacy of giving back and paying it forward for the sake of all kids – past, present and future.

Let's do this.  For the highest good of all.