
Remember being young once?

Exploring and learning with your friends.  When innocence, laughter and fun gently collided? When it was safe just to BE?

Wouldn't it be great to reclaim those feelings of belonging again? 


The Sisterhood Community 

for Women by Women

Calling All Ladies who are

40 to 80 years Young

This is your safe space, where fun, joy, and happiness cohabit with learning and living. Where trust and relationships come before networking and sales. Where friendships flourish and loneliness eases. Where you can explore what you are doing right, discover what you could be doing better, practice for that big event coming up, and get advice and counsel from others who have been where you want to go.

You know in your brain that there is so much more you need to be. You know in your heart that you flourish when you explore with others like you. You know in your soul that you want and need comradery and allies. 

The Sisterhood Community might be what you never knew you were looking for. All along.

Imagine your life if

You met once a month with 5 - 20 other women, just like you, for two hours.

Where you begin by sharing something personal, joyful and thrilling happening in your own life. 

Where you spend a bit of time learning a new trick to master an area in your personal life.

Where you spend time discussing your own experience, your own trials and tribulations and your own regrets.

Then an hour or so about building your business or your life into the empire you have in mind. 

Trusting that everyone else is in the same boat, the same safe space, the same journey to helping and lifting each other up.  

And leaving with one or two to-dos which you just know will make you a better person,  business operator, wife, mother, sister, leader and provider.  Secure in the knowledge you can lean on the relationships you built and use that as a springboard for further networking and business building.

Two ways to get started

Join a group.  Or start your own group.

They both start with a phone call.

So book some time here, and let's figure out what's best for you.

Imagine the possibilities
